Donate to the cats
Thousands of cats have been saved from homelessness or euthanasia by our all-volunteer group - could you help us?
It's the truth, running a cat rescue and sanctuary isn't cheap. At any given time we have 100-150 cats residing with us. That's a lot of food and cat litter. Our daily needs also include power, water, supplies, repairs, and insurance. Donations from friends like you provide those necessities to keep our cats safe, clean and fed.
One of our most challenging financial needs is veterinary care. We take in cats both tame and feral. Each cat and kitten needs a vet check, vaccinations and often treatments for earmites, worms and other parasites. Like every cat rescue and shelter, we experience our share of upper respiratory disease that needs to be treated. And, sadly, we take in more than a few cats that need surgery and dental work. Because we provide lifetime sanctuary for cats we often need to provide special care for the senior and disabled residents.
There are new goals that your donations can help us achieve too. We would like to provide our cats with microchips and testing for dreaded diseases like FIP and FeLv. Our old truck is wearing out too.
You can be assured that every penny of your donation is spent on the cats you love!